Swagger Hair Scissor | Long shears and scissors 2070-S $89.95 $49.95 Excellent quality Swagger hair scissor. Free shipping. High grade Japan Stainless Steel.
7", 8" & 9"
J 420C
Swagger Hair Scissor
- Razor sharp bevel edge hair shears
- Mirror polish finish
- Adjustable tension screw in gold titanium color
- The adjustor knob clicks as you turn it
- Has
a silencer for a smooth and quiet cutting action
- Removable finger rest for the convenience and comfort of the hair stylist
- Finger inserts available in colors blue, pink, black & green
- Excellent quality professional hair cutting shears
- Available in size 7" and 8"
Comes with Free case + Finger inserts + Free Shipping!
Buy hair shears and scissors @ Wholesale prices from The Shears Depot.
Phone Order: 1.877.699.5553
